School Management Software

A Solution to Shorten the Learning Curve

Streamline the broad variety of school management operations by adopting our school management software solutions. Our expert programmers create highly proficient ERP solutions to help teachers, students & parents together via modules like admin, academic, financial, and others.

Our Exceptional Facets are:

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius veritatis culpa, in veniam rerum exercitationem aliquid officia soluta asperiores nobis!

Easy User Interface (UI)
Personalized, Role-Based Access
Easiest and Fastest Implementation of Any ERP
Easiest ERP to Learn and Use
Free Demonstration
Works Across Platforms
Live 24*7 Support
Multi-User Functionality
Customizable Modules and Plugins
Data Security and Backup
Cost and Energy Saving
SMS and Email Integration
Cloud Facilitation
Empowers your Teachers & IT department

Advantage of School Management Services

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore voluptates quibusdam exercitationem hic natus quidem.

Easy to Use

Online School Management Software is easy to use and operate. To use this platform user doesn’t need any specific course or skill to use this software.


School Management Software is fully secure, the details in the software will be fully confidential and in a secure form

Affordable Cost

The cost of School Management Software is not so high, the cost is affordable and in budget. The price varies from feature to feature.

Multiple Management

School Management Software manages various users and task, by different performers.

Better Communication

School Information Management System reduces the communication gap, it improves communication process between the users.

Back Up Facility

Our School Management System developers put their high efforts and data plays a vital role, so we offer you the backup facility as data is mandatory.

Multiple Language

Our School Management Software offers you multiple language support to the customers. It reduces the language barrier, everyone can use it in their preferred and desirable language.

Bulk SMS

To remind the task with SMS is a difficult task, as to end bulk SMS is also a smart idea for updation and our Online School Management Software helps to send the SMS in bulk to the users.

View Report

School Management Authorities can view the report of the employees anytime and have a look at their task.

School Management System Features

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Reiciendis iste facilis eligendi dolor necessitatibus deserunt cum vero magni obcaecati aperiam!

Lesson Plan

Chat Module

Study Materials

Menu Manager

Admin Section

Student Info


Fees Collections


Human Resource

Leave Management


Online Examination

Home Work







Role and Permission

System Setting

Website Setting

Single Student Multi-class Allow

Add Homework

Evaluation Report

Upload Content


Study Material


Other Downloads


Managing students

Managing Exam Marks

Managing Attendance

Get Children Marks

Get children payment invoices

Get children class routine

Messaging with teachers

Childs attendance tracking

Get class routine

Get exam marks

Online Exam

Get study materials / files from teacher

Get payment invoices, pay online

Communicate with teacher

Get attendance status

Admission Query

Visitor Book

Phone Call Log

Postal Receive

Postal Dispatch


Admin Setup

Student Certificate

Student ID Card

Generate ID Card



Topic OverView

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Overview

Student Panel

Can create multiple sections at a time

Fees Group

Fees Type

Fees Master

Fees Discount

Collect Fees

Search Fees Payment

Search Fees Dues

Bank Payment

Fees Carry Forward


Collection Report

Monthly Collection Report

Student Category

Add Student

Student List

Student Attendance

Student Attendance Report

Subject Wise Attendance

Student Group

Student Promote

Subject Wise Attendance Report

Account Dashboard





Account List

Payment Method

Bank Account

Payment History

Staff Directory

Staff Attendence


Payroll Report

Staff Attendence Report

Marks Grade

Exam Time

Exam Type

Exam Setup

Exam Schedule

Exam Attendance

Mark Register

Send Mark by SMS

Final Mark from multiple Exam

Format Setting

Marks Grade

Question Bank

Multiple Choise

True False

Fill in the Blank

Online Exam

Add Home Work

Home Work List

Home Work Evaluation Report

Chat Box


Blocked User


Pusher or jQuery

Can Teacher Chat With Parents

Admin Can Chat Without Invitation

Can Student Chat With Admin, Accounts

Open Chat System

Invitation Requirement

Can Upload File, Size Limit

Can Make Group

Teacher Can Pinned Top Message

Can Staff or Teacher Ban Student

Notice Board

Send Message

Send Email / SMS

E-Mail / SMS

Event Notice

Event Logs

Holiday Notice

Add Book Book List

Add Member

Member Listing & Manage

Book Category / List

Issue / Return Book

All Issued Book

Card Issuing

Item Category

Item List

Item Store


Item Receive

Item Receive List

Item Sell

Item Issue



Assign Vehicle

Student Transport Report

Schedule / Routine

Dormitory Rooms


Room Type

Rooms Monitoring

Student Dormitory Report

Student Report

Guardian Report

Student History

Student Login Report

Balance Fees Report

Class Report

Class Routine

Exam Routine

Teacher Class Routine

Merit List Report

Online Exam Report

Mark Sheet Report

Tabulation Sheet Report

Progess Card Report

User Log

Previous Result

Previous Record

General Settings

Promote Student Without Exam

E-Mail Settings

Payment Method Settings

Role Permission

Base Group

Base Setup

Academic Year



SMS Settings


Language Settings


Front CMS

Header Menu Manager

Home Page

News Heading

News Category

News List

Footer Widget

Course Heading

Course Details Heading

Course Category

Course List


Contact Page

Contact Message

About Us

Social Media

Page – Create Unlimited Pages

Footer Widget

Optimized Performance

One click update system

Clean Code Quality

Installation Wizard

Multi Lingual

Full Responsive

RTL – Now Available

E-Mail Notification with Templates

Supports SMS Notification

Printable Reports

Powerful Permission Editor

Flexible Fee Structure

Details Students & Staff Profile

Student Attended

Unmatched Transport Module

Complete Digital Library System









Optional Subject




Assign Class Teacher

Assign Subject

Class Room

Class Time Setup

Class Routine

Upload Content



Other Download

PDF View

Image Preview

Video Preview

Added Menus

Added Media Manager

Added Pages

Added Event

Added Gallery

Added News

Added Banner Images

Added Human Resource with Payroll Module

Added Staff Directory

Added Enable / Disable Staff

Added Staff Attendance

Added Staff Attendance Report

Added Payroll

Added Payroll Report

Added Approve Leave Request

Added Apply Leave

Added Leave Type

Added Department

Added Designation

Added Front Office with Admission Enquiry module

Added Admission Enquiry with Status and Follow-Up

Added Visitor Book

Added Phone Call Log

Added Postal Dispatch

Added Postal Receive

Added Complain

Added Setup Front Office

Added ACL-based Roles and Permission module

Added Roles

Added Assign Permissions on Roles

Added Enable / Disable Modules

Added Certificate and ID Card Print module

Added Student Certificate

Added Generate Certificate

Added Student ID Card

Added Generate ID Card

Added Homework Module

Added Homework

Added Homework Evaluation Report

Added Calendar with To-Do List module

Added Calendar Event

Added Task for TO DO List

Added File Based Languages

Added Class Section and Same Role Upload Content in Download Center

Added Student Timeline

Added Login with Last Logout Page

Added character count in Email/SMS send message box

Added sibling feature in student edit

Added Fees Carry Forward to next session

Added Auto Backup using Cron

Added new navigation panel for students in same class

Added % in student attendance report

Added UTF-8 support for CSV file in student import

Added new fields in student import

Added enable/disable student

Added online payment in student panel

Added Assign Class Teacher

Added Teacher Restricted Mode

Added Student History

Added Guardian Report

Added Student Transport Report

Added Student Hostel Report

Added hostel allotment in student admission

Added required filed red * mark in forms

Added sorting in student attendance page

Added Download Center in Parent Panel

Added Student House, Blood Group, Height, Weight, As On Date, Father, Mother, and Guardian photo in student profile

Why We Develop Online School Management Software?

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius veritatis culpa, in veniam rerum exercitationem aliquid officia soluta asperiores nobis!

Saves Time

School Management Solution helps to saves time for students, teachers, and parents. It offers doorstep service and excludes a repetitive tasks.

Connect Parents

Open Source School Management System helps to connect parents and involved in the activities. It helps in the enhancement of parent's communication.


School Inventory Management System brings transparency in the system by keeping the updation of the education process.

Enhance Education System

Synarion IT Solutions, help the enhancement in the education process and system. It brings rich education system.

Who Can Get Benefit with Our Education Management Software Solutions?

Our delivered education management software development solutions are beneficial to manage various operations like administration, finance, courses, staff, and others simultaneously. It is the reason why many are adopting our education system solutions and getting benefitted.

Tuition Classes
Individual Tuition Classes
E-Learning Providers
Administrations & Universities
Training Firms
Corporate Training Firms
Schools & Colleges
Training Centres
Professional Training Centres
Educational Institutes
K-12 Educational Institutes
Kid’s Activities
Kid’s Activities Institutes
Work Done with

Our Clients
